Brendan Daugherty Acting Clips

Brendan Daugherty- Acting Clips

Rock of Ages- "Drew" highlight reel- Brendan Daugherty

Rock of Ages- “Drew” highlight reel- Brendan Daugherty

Brendan Daugherty- Rain On My Lashes

Original Song Performance- “Rain on my Lashes”

Brendan Daugherty Acting Clips
Rock of Ages- "Drew" highlight reel- Brendan Daugherty
Brendan Daugherty- Rain On My Lashes
Brendan Daugherty Acting Clips

Brendan Daugherty- Acting Clips

Rock of Ages- "Drew" highlight reel- Brendan Daugherty

Rock of Ages- “Drew” highlight reel- Brendan Daugherty

Brendan Daugherty- Rain On My Lashes

Original Song Performance- “Rain on my Lashes”

show thumbnails